(In Dunamis Organization Services Curriculum)
- Crucial Conversation
- Crucial Accountability
- Influencer
- 7 Habits for Teenager
- 7 Habits for Highly Effective People (Associates, Foundations, Signature)
- Presentation Advantage
- Speed Of Trust Foundations
- The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity
- On Becoming Proactive
- The 6 Critical Practices For Leading A Team
Notable Clients :
- Adaro Indonesia
- Freeport
- Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama
- Lapak Gaming
- Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara
- Bank Sinarmas
- Bank Jago
- PricewaterhouseHouse
- PT Vivo
- ABM Investama
- Kominfo
- J Trust
- Great Eastern
- Allianz Indonesia
Fluent in the Following Language:
Firda Agustina’s interest in the world of education resides in the inner desire to share what always lies in her heart. Firda joined Dunamis Organization Services in 2013. Her life experience both professionally and personally convinced her that interpersonal skills can significantly improve relationship.
Firda is a widely successful and great facilitator who communicate clearly and actively. She never fails to captive her audiences by her subject knowledge and warm attitude.
Business Result Expert
Firda started her career in 1994 at John Roberts Powers as a marketing staff where she gained her experience in interpersonal skills. She then moved to Lembaga Pendidikan Duta Bangsa in 2001 as a program development head and at the same time as a facilitator in communications skills. Her experience over 10 years, delivering training for various groups, enhanced her people development skills such as: vocal quality in public speaking and presentation, positive communication, assertiveness, etiquette and other interaction skills.
Firda holds a Bachelor degree at the University of Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, majoring in Educational Psychology.