Senior Consultant – Education Team
(In Dunamis Organization Services Curriculum)
- The Leader in Me
- The 7 Habits of Effective People
- Leadership Greatness
- 4 Roles of Leadership
- Harrison Assessment
- Corporate Culture
- Knowledge Management
- Principal Academy
Notable Clients :
- Blossom International School
- Sekolah An-Nisaa’
- Santa Ursula BSD
- Yayasan Yasporbi
- Sekolah Pembangunan Jaya
- Binakheir Islamic School Depok
- Yayasan Pendidikan Avicenna
- Institut Pertanian Bogor
Fluent in the Following
- Bahasa
- English
Andiral is passionate about delivering FranklinCovey programs. He joined Dunamis in 1997. He and his team has been delivering The Leader in Me programs for Senior and Junior high school students, college students, teacher, lecturers and family based on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Andiral was certified by FranklinCovey for delivering the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and from Harrison Assessment International for delivering behavioral assessment, certified Knowledge Management Manager from Sveiby Knowledge Associate, not to mentioned The 9 Competencies to Build Knowledge Enterprise from Knowhouse.
Master Facilitator
As a facilitator, Andiral has facilitated more than 20 Senior Management Retreats and Team Bonding. He also has facilitated various programs such as Knowledge Management for Managers and Executives, Becoming a Knowledge Worker, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the 4 Roles of Leadership, What Matters Most, Getting to Synergy, Building Trust, The Leader in Me and many others, at more than 100 companies.
His audiences appreciate his passion for the content, his broad knowledge in various subjects, his “real world” examples, his incredible energy and sense of fun. After facilitated or consulted by Andiral, clients can immediately “return to reality” with new thinking and processes that produce long-term results for individuals and organizations.
Senior Consultant
As a Senior Consultant, Andiral led various consulting project such as the selection of Pimpinan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) and Jaksa Anti Korupsi, Corporate Culture Consulting and Employee Opinion Survey.
Business Expert
Prior to joining Dunamis, Andiral worked for Astra Credit Companies for about 8 years. Currently he is a Senior Consultant, Associate Partner and Team Leader of Education Business Team at Dunamis Organization Services.
Andiral holds a bachelor degree in Agriculture from IPB, Bogor . He
also holds Magister Management from IPWI, Jakarta.