Arya Erlangga Amintadiredja
(In Dunamis Organization Services Curriculum)
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- On Becoming Proactive
- The 7 Habits for Managers
- Leading at The Speed of Trust
- Working at The Speed of Trust
- The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity
- Business Think
- The 6 Critical Practice for Leading a Team
- Becoming Millenials @Work
- Leadership Foundation
Notable Clients:
- Borneo Indobara
- Kaltim Prima Coal
- Sinarmas Mining
- Bank Negara Indonesia
- Bank Syariah Indonesia
- Angkasa Pura Kargo
- ABM Investama
- Allianz
- Traveloka
- Firmenich
- Platinum Ceramics
Fluent in the Following Language:
A Psychologist, Arya Erlangga is one of the Facilitators of Dunamis Organization Services who is passionate in developing people. He brings with him more than 10 years of experience in the area of training and development, before joining Dunamis Organization Services in 2012.
At Dunamis Organization Services, Arya is one of the facilitators who is certified by FranklinCovey Co for delivering FranklinCovey solutions including The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and On Becoming Proactive. Arya is experienced in delivering high quality contextualized soft skill training program. At Dunamis, he delivers Leadership Development and Effective Individuals solutions to numerous clients across industries.
Business Result Expert
Before joining Dunamis, Arya worked as Training and Development Manager at PT. Golden Energy Mines (Sinarmas Mining). He was also an Assistant Recruitment and Development Manager at Mulialand, HR Executives at PT. Mulia Intipelangi and Consultant at PT. Sinergi Analis.
Arya holds Magister of Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of Indonesia. He also holds Psychological Licensee from Indonesia Psychology Association (HIMPSI) Jakarta.