Tengku Hedi Safinah
Tengku Hedi Safinah
Areas of Expertise in Dunamis
Organization Services Curriculum:
• Human Capital Management
System (HCMS)
• Corporate Culture
Notable DunamisClients:
• Telkom Group
• PT. Askes(Persero)
• PT. Bio Farma
• Badan StandarisasiNasional.
• Dharma Satya Nusantara Group
• PT. DayamitraTelekomunikasi
• PT. Tugu Reasuransi
• Bank NTB
• InpexCorporation
Fluent in the Following Languages:
• Indonesian
• English
Hedihas passion for developing people and organization. She believes that great
organization depends on the great team. Therefore, developing people in
organization through training and coaching becomes her priority. She joined
DunamisHuman Capital in 2013 as a Technical Advisor and currently hold the
position of Managing Director of DunamisHuman Capital.
Professional Qualifications
Surya has been exposed for more than 15 years through
various process and roles. His strength in Leadership
combined with his involvement in many function from
sales, finance, marketing and operations resulted in well
executed assignments.
Senior Consultant
As a Senior Consultant, she has led a variety of successful
projects for her clients, among others : consultation in
management, human capital, operation management and
information technology and many more.
Hedihas high flying hours as a consultant and advisor.
Business Result Expert
Prior to joining Dunamis, she worked at PT.
Telekomunikasi Indonesia,Tbk. (TELKOM), the largest
telecommunication service provider in Indonesia. Various
jobs from different functional areas had been done which
enriched her experiences. As a Head of Telkom
Consulting Center and as consultant for TELKOM &
Group and State-owned companies, she has facilitated a
large number of clients in the area of corporate
transformation, corporate culture, human capital
management, knowledge management, service
management, process and quality improvement. She was
also appointed as the project leader for Telkom Group
Integrated Quality Assurance Program. She is a Lecturer
on Human Resource Management and Service
Management & Operation at Institute of Management
Telkom in Bandung and MoestopoUniversity in Jakarta.
Tengku Hedi Safinahholds a Doctorate degree in
Business Administration from Murdoch University Perth
Western Australia.